
(v. Links) W.Link; A. Raitz von Frentz; M. Schäf; S. Schäf

Association Page Image Montessori

Montessori Internationales Ausbildungszentrum e.V.

The association was established in July 1999 with the primary aim of offering kindergarten teachers as well as other instructors well-founded, quality-oriented education and training.

In addition to the international training was a part of the association to take over the sponsorship of our Montessori kindergarten. kindergarten was the first in Munich, which was built in 1983 bilingual, in conjunction with the international Montessori education. This concept is unique and continues since today.

The Management ensures that all employees have the Association Montessori Internationale diploma and have either German or English as a native language. In addition, attention is paid to international language diversity.

Another goal of the board was to promote the popularity of Montessori education. We succeeded in doing this for 15 years through an international Montessori conference. For many, this meeting was an annual event where exchanges among educators and lecturers led to many friendly relationships. By working with Ms. Roth (Montessori AMI-Trainer for the ages 3-6) this success was only possible. A heartfelt thank you to her many years of work!

Since 2018, Ms. Roth’s international Montessori courses have been led by her Montessori Adult Education GmbH. Our association has the luck to continue working very closely with Mrs. Roth.

We are often asked why we put so much time and energy implementing the ideas of Maria Montessori and putting her methods into practice.

Let us give you an answer:

We know that the Montessori pedagogy is one of many pedagogical directions and that it has a lesser degree of recognition compared to the pedagogy of Fröbel, Pestalozzi and Steiner.

The management and members stand on the ground of reality in their professions in industry and trade, in medicine, pedagogy, psychology and therapy with both feet. We know the benefits of pre-school and school facilities. But we also know what mental potential lies in the child and is waiting to be awakened. We are all convinced of the value of the Montessori pedagogy because it supports an individual early childhood development and finds it a continuation in their life.

The demand of parents for Montessori institutions has grown steadily in recent years and as a result the demand for well-educated Montessori pedagogues has grown, in addition to the theory of the entire material and its application.

That is why we choose to do what we do.

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